100% Plastic Playing Card
100% Plastic Playing Cards
Paper decks do come with some disadvantages though. They
tend to crease, bend, tear, and show signs of wear rather quickly, and cannot
be easily cleaned without damaging the cards. Whether its plastic poker cards or plastic bridge cards that you use in your
game, we always advise that you select a product that is 100% plastic. A card
that is 100% plastic will conservatively last 20 to 50
times longer than a plastic coated playing card. WJPC 100% plastic Playing cards will not be marked, dented, or crimped
under normal playing conditions, preventing accidental marking, and they are
washable that giving your decks that brand new fresh look for years. Plastic
playing cards are a pleasure to deal, they slide across the table felt easily
which add a professional sense of quality to your game. WJPC 100% plastic
Playing cards are mark resistant, durable, flexible, shuffle effortlessly and
deal with ease. They make your game run efficiently and are the best economic
solution to playing cards. If you have never played with 100% plastic, we
suggest you give them a try, all of the plastic decks we made are
top-shelf quality, you won’t be disappointed.
Recommended Material Options: 100% black/white PVC
Glossy varnish/smooth finish
Gold/silver/colorful hot stamping
Packaging Options:
Custom glossy/matte varnish finish tuck box
Custom glossy/matte lamination finish tuck
Custom tin box
Custom lid & bottom box
Custom flip box
Custom gift box in special design according
to your requirement.
Number of cards per deck: 54~56
Dimension: Poker Size 63×88 mm (2.5″×3.5″) or Bridge Size
57×87 mm (2.25″×3.5″). Custom size accepted.
WJPC = Competitive Pricing + Good Quality + Great
Pre & After Team Service!
We’re the best playing card factory in China!
Categories:Playing cards, 100% Plastic Playing Cards
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