Tarot Cards and Game Cards
We have various card games and they are made of Tarot cards and the playing cards. We have one extra card in each game and that is the fool or the excuse card. Nothing happens when we come up with the Joker or the fool. And we have four suits of tarot cards. It’s a long journey and thousand year old, these stories related to cards. You will love to read about them. We have four suits in each deck. In general, we have different traditions of suits, one are from older Latin suits system, one are from younger German suit and one are from French suit. As an example we have the spade, diamond, hearts and clubs in the French suit system. All these form the Tarot cards. Trump cards are an example of the tarot cards . You can find all tarot cards out here on our site. Jack is not a Tarot card and so the queen and kings. They are the head of a suit though and the first one is the odd man out. You can find all the details on our site. We have so many games to play though we need to move t...